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Red Eye, Netflix

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Khandro | 22:27 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

Anyone seen it? Murders & intrique on a Jumbo Jet.

More holes in the plot than a Swiss cheese. Pure hokum, but as hokum goes, worth watching. 



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As ludicrous and unbelievable as Nightsleeper, now showing on BBC - only difference is the latter is set on a train not a plane.

Enjoyable hokum - entertaining and knocks spots off Nightsleeper which really is hokum.  I'm still watching though.

I watched it. It's entertainment so I don't care that's it's far-fetched, it was enjoyable.

I also watched that Fool Me Once which I thought was ridiculous but it passed a couple of nights. 

Out of the two I preferred Red Eye.

Is it on Netflix?

I couldn't find it last night.

Are we talking about eh film or the Tv  series. The TV show was on ITV not Netflix.

The Cillian Murphy film which is a few years older is not on Netflix at the moment, not in the UK at least.

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Red Eye, Netflix

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