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T W A U ... The's Gem.....1St Question!

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ToraToraTora | 18:01 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
15 Answers

Q: In 1827 Georg IV commissioned a painting of what long necked mammal?

A: Peacock!




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Is it Naomi Campbell? 

I just knew you would comment on this TTT. Choked on my tea with his answer.

Peacocks have got long necks!

...and ostriches.

But they're not mammals Tilly

Question Author

18:10/11 yeah but how long have they been mammals?

Oh well.

Naomi Campbell?

Wait, she's a bird with a long neck.

I read it as 'animal'.

New reading glasses. 😂

They went home with £1,500 each though,not bad for a day out.

Question Author

Yep TBF they showed how to do it, small prize but they got it.

He was a bit thick

That's nothing compared to the answer I once shouted out at the tv when watching the chase.

The question was something like, what nickname was given to unmarried women that worked in the cotton mills?

Too late  -   I'd already shouted out 'cloth-ears'.

It should have been spinsters. . . .

Why cloth ears, The Winner?

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T W A U ... The's Gem.....1St Question!

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