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Anthea Turner - The Perfect Housewife

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buzzfresh101 | 15:10 Mon 20th Feb 2006 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

Can anyone tell me if Miss Turner will be writing a book to accompany the TV show?



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you ARE taking the pi55 ???
That`s what I thought to. I`ve not seen such a load of rubbish( pardon the pun) for a long time.

in answer to your question, i expect their will be a book, because she has pretty much already written one - she gives the contestants a 'housekeeping bible' during the show so i expect they will want to recreate that - you could also see if she has a website - she may may have a printout or download of it or even has published it herself.

I doubt she'll be writing it, although I'm sure it'll have her name on it, the talentless oaf.

I do hope not ~ she doesn't need the money, & we don't need the agony.
The Guardian or Observer had an article about the show sometime ago and they stated that Anthea had been commissioned to do a second series (now showing), a book, christmas special and some celebrity shows, so it certainly looks so. (I hope so, I am a fan of the show and love the tips on there!)

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Anthea Turner - The Perfect Housewife

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