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horse name

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t30ddy | 17:00 Sun 11th Jun 2006 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
What was the name of cheif sitting bulls horse at little big horn and was there a film made about it


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Don't know about the horse, but I 'googled' 'little big horn film' and this was the first page found. Perhaps you could google for the name of the horse.

why ask twice ?
do you mean the white horse that was circus trained and danced after he died? Which was years after LBH
How can a horse dance after it's died????

No B00 after Sitting Bull was killed the horse danced cos it had been trained in Buffalo Bills show and it's trigger (lol) was gunshots so it performed it's routine as the shots were fired

How to know if your horse really really hates you ... get killed and see if it does a dance ....
His horse was named Gray Ghost

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horse name

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