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The Mighty Boosh

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�mermaid� | 22:07 Thu 29th Jun 2006 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
any fans around? i want to talk about it!!!!!!!!! vince or howard? and what are your fave aspects?


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I've heard the Tundra Rap, but thats about it. Doesn't really interest me much though.
That is one weird programme!!

my brother loves it - but im not a big fan - sorry.
I love it mermaid. Vince Noir, rock n roll star, Howards got a bout as much edge as a satsuma.
Mermaid, I can't get enough of the Might Boosh. Where do I begin. I can't fault it.! Anyone who doesn't laugh out loud at that show is dead inside.
Only seen a couple but I liked it. British humour to a tee I think.
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it's the best! iv seen all of series one and most of series two, what am i gna do when i run out of boosh to watch?????!!! *cries*!!!
vince noir all the way, god i'd marry him haha- king of the mods! i agree with beerdrinker..but i think you have to be a little crazy to appreciate it!
come closer to, not you fire!
get the radio series. Live DVD should be out soon too....
not you naan bread

check out this link for info on Series 3, the live DVD out in November and a forthcoming movie!!! - possibly.

The BOOSH is electric

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The Mighty Boosh

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