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Lost in Translation

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sarah_03uk | 13:23 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers
Did I miss something vital in this film, or does it have no depth or storyline whatsoever? I thought it was really dull...I kept expecting something to happen but nothing did! x


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Just because I thought it was dull does not mean to say I like action films.

I just felt there wasn't much to it. I appreciate what the film was trying to do and understand all the comments on here of people who liked it but I agree with LeMarchand above, I just found the characters dull ! Anyway, I guess im just not one that appreciates the simplicity of it all :)
I suppose they were just ordinary, and perhaps we're more used to seeing larger-than-life characters on screen? One of the things I liked about it was that a man who's supposed to be a big movie star ends up feeling lost and ordinary, just like the wife who's tagged along with her negligent husband. And for a brief time they click with each other.

To answer your original questions: no it has little or no storyline - not necessarily a bad thing - but it does have depth. If you 'click' with it, it has a lot of stuff about connection and disconnection. If you've 'missed' anything, it's that. It's a shame you didn't get on with it, I think it does have a lot to offer.

As I said earlier, I agree it's unfair to say people who didn't like it therefore automatically would like a Seagal action film. Also, people shouldn't be suckered in by 'hype'. If the film doesn't deliver all the hype promises, that's not the film's fault. It's just a film, and you'll either like it or not. Who cares what it says on the poster?
you're right about lip my stockings... honestly, giggling about supposed Japanese pronunciation is so 20th century. Monty Python, I think it was, once did a historical programme called Erizabeth L ('Broody herr!') and I think that included once and for all every possible joke on the subject. It is now officially no longer funny.

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