"Rinky-dink music"?! Didn't notice any of that. I really liked a lot of the soundtrack.
It does seem to be a love or hate one. I'm more on the 'love' side. I love that it's just a fleeting glimpse of 2 people's short-lived friendship. And I really loved that you don't hear what he says at the end.
It partly depends on what you expect of films. If done well, a film doesn't have to necessarily tell a story, it can evoke a feeling or an atmosphere - but, as I say, only if it's well-made; films that try to do that, but aren't very good, end up a terrible dreary mess.
If you demand a beginning/middle/end plot from films, then atmospheric pencil-sketch films like LIT aren't for you. By the way, I think it's a bit presumptious to say that anyone who didn't like it must therefore only like gung-ho action films!