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Time Team

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Clanad | 15:34 Mon 07th Aug 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Really enjoyed Time Team broadcast on The Discovery Channel here in the USA until about 6 months ago or so, at which time it disapperared. Occasionally have seen one of the men that was on the program on other, similar programs. Is the program still in production?


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They are still making them, see here

The person you may have seen is Tony Robinson who seems to have made a career out of archeology and history programs.

He started out as a comedian and played the scruffy Baldrick in the comedy series Blackadder.

Time Team is still in production in the UK. It is made by Channel Four and the Time Team website is here
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Thanks, all... here's hoping they resume the program here in the U.S.!
UKTV history often has wall-to-wall time team and I drive my frenz crazy by insisting on watching it ALL!

It will be back ! There are truly zillions of episodes

Goodluck PP
Time Team.... Bah Humbug. Always starts off interesting but they hardly ever find anything of interest where they dig.
I can just imagine that if they had dug that darn trench just two metres to the left, then they would have uncovered the biggest find in treasure!

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