I just cringed at the attitude the woman from the building industry showed. Many times the Dragon's before or after investing mention that they are also investing in the person, not just the idea, so there must be something likeable about them to offer them large amounts of money!
I don't really know anything about individual Dragons' backgrounds, but if I was on the show I'd definitely find out about each of them, and what areas they work in. I understood from last nights show Duncan and Deborah had the most experience in the casino/brewery industry, so I suppose he should have known that and tried to get those two together. But, he got the investment and expertise of two successful business people, so I'm sure he's happy!
I did feel sorry for the baby mat guy as he presented himself well and looked genuinely surprised, but I can't help but thinking he really should of found that out before now, and before he actually started selling the things!
Love the programme, but they use the same format every week.....you know it's always going to be the last idea that gets invested in!