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dylan moran

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raymond 42 | 11:01 Fri 22nd Sep 2006 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
ive recently seen a live performance by a guy calle dylan moran and laughed my head off anyone else seen it and share my view


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I've not seen hjim live but he was in a programme called Black Books and I thought he was hilarious in that. Sure he was P****ed most of the time as well whilst filming.
spanner - he often takes to the stage with glasses of wine at hand and the way he speaks does give the impression that he's often a little drunk, but he's very, very sharp, and (seemingly) not adversely affected by it. Ray - love him, been to see him twice at the Edinburgh Festival (once before, and once since Black Books) and he was absolutely hilarious both times.
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thanks guys his slant on life and the lack of exercise and excess alcohol live every day matches my own h ha

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