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perfect day -the funeral

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teag1rl | 17:01 Thu 09th Nov 2006 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
Channel 5. Anyone watch this last night? I'd seen the other two parts. Whos funeral was it and did anything else happen? Boyf made me watch MI3 instead! PS I'm not liking this media category-I posted this under TV ages ago and no ones even looked at it I dont suppose!


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Hi - I did watch it but I had only watched half of the previous wedding one (half was enough to get me hooked though) so I am not sure of all the characters names so forgive me if this is a little confusing - this is really long so it's going to be in three or four bits!

The funeral was of Pete who had died in a car crash in Ireland - his parents invited his closest friends to come over. Not sure of the time scale after The Wedding but think it was about a year.

Amy and Tom are trying for a baby, Rob and Rachel are kind of engaged because she has told everyone they are even though he hasn't asked her and Kate and Billy have split up, though she is pregnant but hasn't told him.

Amy and Tom - she had met Pete in secret a few months before but hadn't told Tom in case it upset him. Pete had then sent her a card saying that he had something/someone special in his life and was going home to Ireland to make a go of that. Amy was intersted to know who this epcial person/new girlfriend was. Tom had been having tests re: infertility but when he suggested to Amy that perhaps she should also be tested she confessed that she had been pregnant many years before, by Pete, and had an abortion. Tom threw a complete wobbly, wouldn't go to the funeral, accused Amy of still loving Peter and said he didn't want to be with her

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Rob and Rachel - he was being rather Obsessive Compulsive, switching lights on and off a number of times, checking thing, counting things. Rachel was very dismissive, just kept telling him that everything would be fine once they were married and that who else would be foolish enough to marry him. She also had made lots of plans to see her Mother while in Ireland as she wanted to look at wedding venues (a castle in Ireland so she could get back to her rather tenuous Irish roots). Even when he got drunk and tried to kiss Kate - then confessed this to Rachel - she just said he was being silly and he'd be fine once they were married. Rob got very upset at the funeral stopping the priest and explaining that Pete didn't believe in God, not since his little sister had died age 9 (something Amy didn't know about). He then made an emotional but poignant speech about Pete which Rachel thought embarrassing but Amy and Kate thought very heartfelt.

Ad break (and I need a glass of wine, back in a mo!)

Ad break (and I need a glass of wine, back in a mo!)

Kate and Billy - they'd had an on/off relationship since The Wedding. Kate conceded he was a lovely, kind, caring bloke but he also really, really annoyed her! So she decided that if she should get through the weekend without getting angry with him then perhaps they could make things work. This lasted till Saturday afternoon when she got really annoyed with him. She then confessed to him she was pregnant and what she was tring to do, he said not to worry - she should just tell him when he was being annoying and he'd stop. So they decided to give it a go. Meanwhile Billy was helping Pete's Mum with all the catering though she said she would like to at least make the picnic they would take with them when they would lay Pete's ashes on the hill where his sister was also buried.

Pete had left everything, all his money to Amy - further angering Tom. At the wake Amy got talking to a local girl who had a six year old daughter. The daughter of Pete with whom she'd had a fling after he'd split with Amy. Pete knew about the girl but hadn't been involved in her life, his parents, however, had no idea. The local girl (can't remember her name) had married a local lad and asked Kate for some money to go towards helping bring up Pete's daughter.

Everything really came to a head when the local girl arrived to hear Amy's decision - Amy had realised that when Pete spoke in his card about someone special he had meant not a new girlfriend but his daughter and he had come back to Ireland to try to be a proper father to her. the local girl confirmed this and then went on to say that she sent him to his death because she told him she didn't want his help, she'd moved on and didin't want him in her or her daughters life. He had driven away very upset and less than an hour later had been killed - or may be even killed himself - in the car crash. Rob then said he felt he was responsible for Pete's death because he had refused to see him a couple of times in the previous months because he was attempting to 'grow up' and with Pete he was always a boy still. Rachel wanted to leave to meet her Mother at that point and her complete disregard for Rob's feelings led to Kate having a real go at her.

Ad break (near the end now!)

Picnic - Billy makes this despite Pete's Mum wanting to, he can�t see what is wrong with this. Tom still refuses to leave his room (suspect Tom Goodman-Hill may have had another job or been rehearsing "Spamalot" where he plays an excellent Lancelot at the time). There is a very sweet moment when Pete's ashes are interred next to his sister Kate realises that she can�t marry Billy, he has no personality, is boring and never really wants anything for himself � which she tells him! Rob asks Rachel to marry him (kind of) and they announce it to everyone there (even though Pete�s Dad, who is very traditional thinks they are already married)

Rachel and Rob - back in their room Rachel is going on about things still being better when they are married and Rob is away from other influences. Rob then tells her he doesn�t want to marry her. She leaves in a taxi but then comes back and meets Tom � who has finished rehearsing �Spamalot� or something � she wants to try and fix things but he tells her that sometimes you just can�t do that and she leaves again realising that he is write

Amy comments to Kate that maybe she and Rob should be together as Rob is the only man that Kate has never found annoying. Later she and Rob have a �wouldn�t it be funny/stupid if..� conversation about that

Previously they have all discussed how Pete�s Mum and Dad no nothing about what happened at the Wedding � all he has told his parents is that it was a great day and they all had a fantastic time. Pete�s Mum talks to Tom and he asks her how she copes with losing both her children and how surely love, marriage and children go hand in hand. She says that you can�t not have children because you may be afraid of them dying before you and that you should marry someone because you love them, not because you want to have children with them. She then leaves by saying he should think about that with Amy otherwise she may have to tell Amy that Amy picked the wrong man � indicating that Pete�s Mum knew all along what actually happened at the wedding.

Tom and Amy make up, Amy says to the local girl she will share Pete�s money with her on condition that they keep in touch and she tells Pete�s parents that they have a grand-daughter. Rob and Kate decide that they could possibly make a go of things (oh Billy has left by then, by the way). Tom says he has to say good bye to Pete and he and Amy walk up to the hill where Pete�s ashes are buried

The End (and essay over!)

It was really good, sorry you missed up but hope you�ll catch it on a
... repeat.

Sorry it was such a long post but I couldn't decide what to leave out!

Now � more wine - fo both of us probably!
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Thanks so much Mightywease-that was way better than any summary's I'd found on net.
Thanks again x
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