What Jade has done is inexcusable, however channel 4 most be held responsible for her actions, why was she not taken into the diary room. This video clip shows that when an argument gets too personal big brother intervened; why did they not call Jade into the diary room?
I am appalled what I witness by Jade and the others, but�����.hand on my heart I have properly said racial things in my time, just like many of YOU who are also disgusted by what has happened. I am ashamed to admit this but it�s true, this happens in our society and it will carry on in our society; I do think many English are ignorant to other cultures;
Ask yourself;
After the nine eleven bombings; what racial comments did you make about the Muslims?
When you go for a curry, how many of you take the **** out of the Indian Waiters?
On Christmas day, you needed some bread/petrol, made in passing comment, the ***** shop will be open.
I think we were all very quick to condemn Jade for her actions, but again ask yourself, how many innocent times have you done it.
Are we are selves bullying Jade because of her actions, I personally think so. Some of the comments made in posts on the AB regarding Jade & Co from many of you are name calling, racist towards, so I think you are all just as bad. Picking on someone because of their physical attributes, for being inarticulate and for being poorly educated is bullying too.
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Media/TV/Questi on351826.html