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Paris Hilton's 'Punishment'!!!

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tiggertan | 06:25 Thu 17th May 2007 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
Just seen on the news that she will serve 22 days in a 'special needs' cell. This has been awarded for good behaviour. Incidently the good behaviour was turning up for court!!! What a joke!


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what did she do?
Driving without a licence while she was on probation over an alcohol-linked reckless driving conviction. yle/women/celebrity/article1803044.ece
lock her up!
I can't believe she's being allowed to appeal against her sentence - it was only 45 days to begin with. I can't stand the spoilt little rich b***h, never done a day's work in her life. As 4getmenot says - lock her up! Preferably for longer!

(climbs down from soapbox)
Did you see the petition you could sign to keep her out of prison,i asked where was the one to make sure she went!What did she say in her plea,something like "you cant send me to prison because i brighten up peoples humdrum lives" CHEEKY BITCH!
Sending her to prison would brighten up my life!
what with harry not going to iraq and 'zero talent or use' hilton being let out early this clearly illustrates that there is still a massive inequality between the classes.
this is the one you want, cyanide lton/
Cheers jno.

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