I liked the way old progs had a song for starters as in most of the westerns. Tenderfoot, cheyanne, . I can recite the opening dialogue for the Highway Patrol.
Whenever the laws of any state are broken, a duly authoriswed organisation swings into action. This may be the militia,the rangers, the state police or the highway patrol. These are the stories of the men whose training, skill, courage and inititive preserve the safety of our highways.
hi doc I know that you have had alot of s@it beeing talked about you just latley but just a little post here to say that me and you and a dog named boo are traveling and living of the land
Give us more input doc as not everbody on here hates you as they have said just latlely and you know ithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZuAD7VTaLc
I can remember Prisoner Cell Block H being on really really late at night and into the morning I think. I used to be hooked on it whilst also thinking "why am I wasting my life watching this drivel, I need to go to sleep"!!!
Come and listen to my story bout a man named Jed, a poor mountain man barely kept his family fed, then one day while shooting up some food up through the ground came bubbling crude. Oil that is . texas T, black gold. etc etc