Catalina Guirado 'starred' on TFI friday as the supposedly 'fit bird', whom the strange guys who volunteered to be that week's 'ugly bloke', told that she just wasn't their type. I personally don't think that she's as beautiful as the hype which surrounds her and I didn't recognise her on Hell's Kitchen to be honest but if that was indeed her, then she's even more unlikeable than I had first imagined. I was astounded by how blase she was about the comments which she had made, dismissing then as a part of everyday conversation, although for her, that could possibly be true. She was awful and I would have been so embarrassed to be part of her group of diners. She seemed to be courting attention to make a name for herself or possibly, reinvent herself. Terrible on TFI, terrible on I'm a celebrity(funny what passes as celebrity these days) and terrible full stop.
I agree that the male diner should not have been refused his food though as he was not rude at all, merely gave his honest opinion that the food was below par. It's all very well saying that they are having a freebie but is the point of the show not to steer the competitive teams in the direction of learning to produce quality (or at the very least, edible)cuisine in order to be the winner? Has the chef not heard of constructive criticism? If everyone lied and said that the food was superb then aside from the show being really dull, what will the contestants learn? Nothing. They need to learn from their mistakes but it's the matter of the way in which the criticism is delivered which should be the deciding influence in who is allowed to continue to dine.