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Smiffy | 19:49 Sun 26th Dec 2004 | Film, Media & TV
1 Answers
Am I right in thinking that a film was made which purported to be the biography of Frank Whittle?


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more than one smiffy

there is an early war film late forties which has the great man playing himself.

there was a BBC2 prog about twenties year ago, with Whittle now an old and really teed off ex-inventor speaking acidly from california

and a recent one, where they have the technician at the first power jet trial, - the prototype wipes the floor with the air ministry inspectors who are very quiet because they realise they have missed a War Winning invention. 

tell you what, Smiffy, I said to my fren' only today, one of the scenes i would use to colour a period classic tv programme, is the one where your mother now aged 96 was at the house where the lady fired the maid for talking to the gardener through the box hedge

and HE said, yeah that was the house Frank THingey Jet person stayed at in Knutsford when he was trying to sell his invention to the rich industrialists. [This is too late for the forties when Gladys was in her thirties, and i think must have been around 1929, and Gladys was nineteen and whittle must have been raising his �100 000 to start power jets]

Spookey huh? andis an example of C G jung's group consciousness or synchronicity that someone was asking about a week or so ago.

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