cheers snags but i was looking fro a repeat, at home my netbook is tiny and its a pain watching on it!
just saw this on one of the comments made about the show though
"I am from a romany gypsy family and my mum and I were shocked watching this programme! Please be aware that we do not all wear those awful dresses at weddings! There is a difference between Irish and Roma gypsies and we are upset that this was not mentioned in the programme. Our culture is wonderful and the people are generous, kind and hard working but there was still sterotyping in this programme. I am getting married next year age 24, but I am at university and do not think it is ok to just get married and expect to be provided for. I do not know any traveller girls who do. I think channel 4 should come to kent and do another programme on roma gypsies. I cannot believe that the only programme on television about travellers still labelled us....and still got it wrong! I suppose its better than nothing tho! "