They were competing winners in various magazine puzzles.
Norris was suspicious about the amount of wins Mary had an arranged to meet her to satisfy his suspicions........
Yes I agree it is a bit daft but it lifts the prog a bit Its funny in an odd sort of way.
Refreshing in a way because there's going to be quite a bit of doom and gloom coming up what with Blanche's funeral and the jailbirds.
I actually like the story line as Norris is normally very boring and stuck in that Kabin with not much of a story really but this story makes me laugh. Mary gives me the creeps and the story reminds me of Misery with Mary being Kathy Bates (is that her name?), especially when Norris hurt his leg and was stuck in bed. When Mary was chopping up wood with that axe, I saw Kathy Bates (?) with her axe.........
There is always a hilarious story line over the May bank holiday. It makes a nice contrast to the serious story lines we've had lately, such as Sal's cancer and Tina's depression.