Jeremy from top gear went to Lowestoft for a top gear challenge, he had to get from the most westerly point the the most eastily during the shortest night.
It was in the local paper but we would have gone if we'd have known. I'll hold you in suspense as to whether he made it or not, unless you can find the article.
Don't worry molly, they don't like people to know when they are doing their feats - the Top Gear team tried to sail across the channel in converted cars a while back, they left from just up the road from my office, but they didn't tell anyone they were attempting the crossing. They didn't tell the Coastguard either, so they got a severe wigging for that - trying to cross the busiest shipping lane in the world, on four wheels, and letting water, is pretty stupid.
They don't want the masses hanging around and getting in the way, I think. When they finally showed the programme from here, they had to restart three times etc etc - it gives away the secrets of the show if people are watching them do it!
I'd just like to say I have nothing against the show and understand millions of people would watch it,personally, I don't see the point of it. Must be me.
It's a case of each to their own I suppose. Personally I can't stand all the soaps that are shown on TV nor the sports coverage that's given carteblance to ride roughshod over the schedules.
Top Gear brings in money as it is broadcast in over a 100 countries. Australia, Russia and America have their own licensed versions. It has spawned a large amount of merchandise including 23 editions of the magazine, dvds, books, toys and clothes...and also a live show.