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Come Dine With Me (Channel 4)

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Kim O'Hare | 10:43 Sat 29th Jan 2005 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
I saw the beginning of this programme on 27th January where a woman in a long, black dress was cooking a meal for four other people. She came across as very self important and a bit pathetic. I missed the end of the programme, where the other diners awarded her points for her meal. Did anyone else see it, and who won the �1000 prize at the end of the week? Many thanks.


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Craig, the 25-year-old entrepreneur (he's the white one) won the grand.

Craig only beat Paul by one point. The pompous Pippa (black dress woman) was disgusted to come third & Stuart & Vera came equal last. I don't often watch aftrenoon tv but I wasn't feeling well & was so fascinated by this that I had to watch all week!

i caught this by accident and thought it was quite good. I think it will end up on evening telly.

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Come Dine With Me (Channel 4)

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