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corrie - live

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looobylooo | 20:48 Thu 09th Dec 2010 | Film, Media & TV
106 Answers
is this really live, because it seems no different to the usual.

like with eastenders when they did their live show, you could kind of tell, and there were a few little blunders along the way,
but this tonight with corrie, well, it all seems to be a bit too perfect, so far anyway ....


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Which safe was Becky robbing for the money to pay her sister for Max?
hopefully Devs,
yer devs. When they found sunita, all the money was laying around her
United and City are both going to hold a minutes silence at their next games, because of the terrible events in Weathersfield.
ahhh then that's why becki went back to get it, she's the one that found sunita
Who reckons Becky will do her sister in........
Carla messed up her dialogue then she said she expected nick to be at the hospital to see how ashley was
In the club the other day the girl in the wheelchair went to the bar and the seat of her chair went up so that she was barstool height. At least that's what I thought I saw....
The 'bloke in the car' was as I understood it in the RTA that happened on the motorway which was why the emergency services were held up.

Wondered why they didn't ever get Sally her hard hat although they did say she needed one. Why couldn't they say what blood group baby Jack was, then Kevin could have said it was his too and he could provide the blood?

I think John Stape was the worst one - he hardly seemed bothered he had just done for the ugly bird.

Why was there no electric in the pub if it was at the other end of the street from the crash and the explosion?
children have a different blood group to the parents anyway,
dot -I noticed that and rewound a couple of times but she deffo did bloop but in saying that they did bl00dy well from the biggest cynic.I love Corrie just was frightened for them they wouldnt pull it off but my gawd they did -big plaudits !!!
I agree it was fab as always, such good acting
best bit was hearing dot on eastenders say she was going home to open a bag of marshmallows and watch corrie, what a great line!!
and how did john manage to get an "id" badge so quickly especially as fizz was rushed in, and do hospitals give them ayway?
Do we kn ow what caused the explosion in the first place? Is it going to be down to Owen's shoddy work?
i know ciaran? kept complaining about the cooker not working so i assume its that and so probably owens work
When they start clearing etc in The Joinery, do you think they are going to find the other body?
which other body?
Isn't that where John and Charlotte put Colin Fishwick?
no they put him in the factory

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