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Simon Cowell

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oranger | 20:31 Sun 19th Dec 2010 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
My good wife tells me Simon Cowell is to be nominated for a Knighthood for his services to charity and music.Is this correct? There are probably more deserving cases.


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Bruce Forsythe?
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Yes, if you like good old Brucie.
Kevin Webster.for keeping a straight face and taking a straight right hook .
The other Simon Cowell - Wildlife SOS.
he has kept sinitta in leaf-dresses
lol.. he does a lot for charity, but doesn't bleat about it.
according to the news that i seen today it says he might be as could brucie, so will have to wait and see, but as you say, more deserving cases
How are we suppose to know who's deserving or not?

None of us know exactly what he does away from the spotlight.

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Simon Cowell

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