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looobylooo | 20:49 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | Film, Media & TV
34 Answers
ooooh, has sally found lurrrrve??


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He looks familiar
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yeah i was thinking that too factor
Seems to be the same character as the new Moon bloke in Eastenders.
He is Rosie's leery boss.
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is he really cupid?! .. lol ...

that blummin tracey! ..... her acting, is just appauling ...! grrrrrrrrrr
I think they should get Barbra Winsor in to play the part of Tracey she would be more convincing. Babs for corrie .Never crossa barlow she hissed .Like a MP said it would be like being attacked by a dead sheep
I think Tracy Barlow is ruining corrie. does anyone else agree. She couldn't act to
save her life.
Did you notice in the Rovers when Sally & Gail were sitting with the new bloke he said he was going to 'The Gents' when he came back Sally said to him "I hope you washed your hands"
Is this the sort of thing one would say to a stranger?

Only when you are very, very nervous and blurt the first thing that comes in to your head.
She''ll be wiping his nose next1
I'll hold the placard - Get Barlow Out - Get Barlow Out --
Was this for love?

Fiz Brown: I bet I know why you're back: to have your buttons sewn on!
Leanne Battersby: Oh, no. She likes the 'let-it-all-hang-out' look.
Kelly Crabtree: Yeah, see them fellas' eyes poppin' out.
Sally Webster: [sniggering] Yeah, and it's not in appreciation either.
Leanne Battersby: You can talk. Your chest came flat-packed and you haven't put it together yet!
Well you'll be delighted to know, Cupid04, that the actress who plays Tracey is going out of the series within six months - apparently she misses her little boy too much. Whatever, I find her SUCH an unlikely character I shall be glad to see the back of her! She spits and bitches her way around everyone, and instead of giving her a damn good slap they raise their eyebrows and turn away with long-suffering looks on their faces ... except for the appalling Dedrie who apparently worships her precious daughter, and cannot see that she has any faults at all. I mean come on, if I had a daughter like that the first thing I'd do is chuck her out!
Glad to hear it julia.

D T What are you on about? anyway Kelly Crabtree left Corrie months ago.

Explain please.

Well there must be something wrong with him!

True love and corrie doesn't go hand in hand!
Couldn't have put better myself Julia,a totally unbelievable character,nobody can be that odious all of the time and if me or anyone I know come to think of it had a daughter like that she would be getting some sort of medical help. I know this is a soap but for gawds sake nobody can be that nasty and deluded!!!!
Think he's go to be a wierdo!.......
Line from Dreary tonight ---

'Some people get away with murder'

And no-one looked at Tracey??????
'' Sally said to him "I hope you washed your hands"

I thought that too Jem, so stupid by the script writers!

As for Tracey, its getting very silly, who would put up with a silly cow like her.
it turns out he is rosies photographer and is a perv!

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