Baldric, I have quite a varied taste in music that I like to listen to, unfortunately there is a lot of music I dont like to listen to. Having the radio on means I have to listen to someone else's taste in music.
The other problem I have with music is a dyslexia issue, It happens to some dyslexics but not many. I can only listen on a one track basis. If music is playing that is the only thing I hear, everything else is not heard, so if someone wants to talk to me I need to turn the music off or all i hear is music and some mumbling.
If someone stands in front of me so I can concentrate on them instead of the music I can switch channels and shut the music out. All this is hassle to me so I rarely have music playing anywhere near me. At work I can cope with it because I never hear the music as I am so focused on work. I'm a strange one I know, just the way I am.