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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
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Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the zumba class :)
Yes the damp weather doesn't help Woofy My hips and knees are buggered full stop. .
Thanks for the needle size etc. I'll have a go at it .If you hear a lot of muttering you'll have to ride to my rescue -I'll probably finish it this time next year if the half a jumper I've knitted is anything to go by .

I like these dresses and black tights but I'm afraid they would do nothing for me at all with the horrible knees I have these days :(
Oh well bedtime ..Oight Oight folks x
Morning all we have hooligan wind here again. You are right about Zumba, okay if your joints are okay, otherwise a nightmare. Anyway back to bed I think.....
Good morning my little flowers. Yes have decided against zumba while hip is aching cos I'll be lurching more than zumbaing. Would be silly to agitate it, the doc said not to over do it when it hurts.

Hope you all feel bright and breezy.
Morning all
Wet and dreary here and I feel neither bright nor breezy .
I don't blame you Neti .You could do more harm than good really if your hip is playing up. You'll have to put the radio on ,don your feathers and pretend you're dancing with Baz :) .....
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Morning's brighter but cold and windy. Not a very good night I woke up at about 3.30 & couldn't get comfy and my tinnitus was in overdrive, I could hear everything from a waterfall to raindrops falling on a tin can and shaney clicking her needles :o)...and then it did start to rain for real. I've been wanting to do some knitting all winter but by the time I get started it'll be spring and time to do outside things.

My hairdresser goes to zumba and says she can feel it the next day...and she's about 23 years younger than me. I'd make a great spectator :o)

Love the dress Lottie, I haven't worn one for.....erm....years. There were some lovely ones in Sainsbury's of all places at the weekend and apparently they're reduced to £20 now! P'raps I should buy one and some tottery heels and take up neti's advice, haha.
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oh shaney, you snook in...I've ordered a Bradshaw's (for a gift) you think it'll fit through an average letterbox or have I got to hang around and wait for a vanman?
If it's the facsimile one I bought Robinia it won't fit through your letterbox although it came with the normal post .
I got one for Mr S. for Christmas .This one as it had better reviews than the more expensive one User Recommendation

Hang on I'll just see if your letterbox is big enough.....
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hahaha...<squirts a water pistol>.... yes that's the one but I don't belieeeeve it, it was £7 a couple of days ago when I ordered it, tut.
Our normal post lady comes dinner time to early afternoon so I've got time to nip out. Thanks shaney.
good morning again, didn't want to get back up again, neither did shughy but Rab needed a pee. The door is open, its quite mild and fresh here now and wouldn't you know it, the dogs have gone back to sleep.
Hello, just come in and now going out again. See you later.

(Shaney, the dress actually covers my knees - just about - and will look good with black tights)

Byeeeeee. (The sun is out!!)
You might miss this and its lovely
That was a brilliant video Woofy. What a clever cheeky dog.
I've actually been out today to see the friend I was supposed to be going on a longish walk with. Instead we went about 3 miles and stopped in her town for a latte (do you say 'lattay' or 'lartay') and a lovely fruit scone with blackkcurrant jam and cream. I forgot I was IGT and got stuck in as a treat today. Itching is still with me but subsiding a lot thanks to whoever is looking after me. I have 2 days of Steroids to take left.
I'm back home now and have given my Bird Table a Spring Clean. I'm hoping to birds come back soon. I do have sparrows and a pair of Blackbirds so that's a start.
I don't think I could be bothered with Zumba - I didn't know what it was until I saw that Video. I'll stick to my Tai Chi for relaxing and my Rock & Roll when I get the opportunity.
I hope you have a better night tonight Robi. Last night was my best one ince last Friday.
I'm off now to put the kettle on. Laters 'gaters!
Lol..Lofty ..I like to keep everything covered these days .No way will you get me into a dress with tights . My long slim legs have turned into long thick tree trunks .Haha...
Jeans ,trousers ,ankle length skirts ..yes .. but tights and leggings ..nooooo:)
Changed my piccie cos I feel a bit more cheerful :o)
Bugger, I just lost an entire long post.

But hello anyway. I'm home now after trotting around this morning, a visit for coffee to the Garden Centre, back home, then out with dog for long walk down the river, then to Vets to collect dog food, only to find debit card missing because I had left it at the garden centre, so back to garden centre...................................

Think you were wise to give Zumba a miss Neti.

Shaney, strange isn't it I really hate myself in calf length or ankle length shirts and feel very uncomfortable. I don't mind my legs if they are shrouded in black or other dark colours that hide the maps on my legs and and make them look slimmer.

Going to sort some washing out and then have a relax.

My Bus Pass arrived this morning - now I have to search for a bus!! I suppose it might come in useful one day. Shall have to check the times of buses to Norwich for next meeting with a couple of Biddies. I will have to drive to son's house first though in order to catch a bus!!

See you soon


(The link was just so lovely Woofie - Dogs are just so clever - Meggie is a clever dog, in fact the cleverest one we have had, we have had a couple of real thickos though. I love them all!!!! )
Lol..I've just watched that Woofy ...clever dog .
Glad to hear your itching has subsided Jude .
Brightened up here for a while but clouded over now .
Been sunny and lovely here all day Shaney. Still is. The sun shines on the righteous!!! :o)
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oh poop...I keep losing my tinter connection, there must be water on the line or something. It was a bright sunny day but very cold and windy but now it's a really wild night, blowing a gale & lashing rain.

The book came shaney, I got back just in time. It was a different postie, a young man who did try to shove it through the letterbox...twit...I could see it wouldn't have fit. I thought men were supposed to have good spatial skills.

Hope it's a quiet, itch, scratch and pain free night for everyone.
Evening all, glad you are feeling better jude.

:0( washing machine is leaking again, am convinced I need a new one!

Am going to watcth "Mad Dogs" the second series tonight, love Philip Glennister.

Oight oight x
I like Phillip Glenister too but couldn't get into mad dogs at all.

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