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bb final

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looobylooo | 21:50 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | Reality TV
5 Answers
well, she did it then .. josie ..

ah well, fair play to her. i wish her well and all good things :o)


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Its the accent looby ooooh arrrrr...
77% of votes!! I like it when its so close you cant tell who'll win, that it was quite a boring final. And I usual like song played on best bits but didnt like this one. But one of the best episodes ever in this BB, the ignore the obvious.
Havent watched most of it,but what i have seen,i worry about jj motives towards josie...
Was a bit strange how he wanted to get out of house because he didnt want to lead her on, then next he loves her. But I think its genuine.
good on the local girl putting bristol on the map xxx

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