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3 bruised cheeks in Corrie...oh dear

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Bobbisox | 21:08 Fri 22nd Jul 2011 | TV
21 Answers
firsts Ken then Izzy then Sean
too violent for a Friday nights viewing :-(


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It's the new trainee in make up - they can only do cheeks at the moment
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it looks that way PD :-)
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...........and they have to work on Eastender's too - busy time for them!
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that Gary needs to attend anger management classes I think
Never mind bruised cheeks. It looked as though poor Steve had bruised a bit more than that!
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Mike I have missed ya :-)
I've been away for a while.
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I saw that earlier. That someone got into your FB site. What have they done, exactly?
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showed it on here for all to see, thankfully it was reported and removed :-)
I still haven't got the hang of this FB thing and very rarely use it, but wouldn't the person have to be a "friend" to see your wall?
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nah, already explained, I have been 'sought' after at least 3 times Mike so I have a good idea who it is
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Did you notice that at the end of the episode, Julie called Sean by his real name - Tony?
Hi Bobbi, you OK? Is the hacker who I think it is too? Some people are so stupid!
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Tizzi, yes I have just rewatched it, and she says "Look what you've done to Tony's face!" well spoted.
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I disagree entirely with you on that Trim!
we shall see I suppose

back to the OP though
Hi Neti. very likely :-)

oohh well spotted, I never picked up on that Tizzi
actually iv'e watched this three times and she says shauny's face not tonys face

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3 bruised cheeks in Corrie...oh dear

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