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Crunchy Nut Cornflakes

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jeffa | 02:34 Tue 25th Feb 2014 | TV
52 Answers
So, the commercial depicts a scene from the Middle Ages with the tag line "The trouble is they *tasteth* too good".

How can anyone really be so ignorant? Does no-one check these things?


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jeffa is correct in raising this point of grammar. 'Tasteth' is the third person singular simple present indicative form of 'taste', and, as such, it does not agree with 'they' in the commercial. See Job 34:3; 'for the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat.' Put simply, the use of 'tasteth', as in this ad. grates on the ear of anyone who has an interest in...
16:01 Tue 25th Feb 2014
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They may do, Prudie. That doesn't make it correct! Cometh, like tasteth, is third person singular. He / she / one cometh, they come.

'crunchy nuts'

this thread is turning into a 'leg crosser'
just had to ..
I loveth Crunchy Nut cornflakes...............
California State University - "About Middle English".... '–þ' or '–eþ' ('-eth' in modern spelling) indicates the present tense.

This is irrespective of singular or plural personal pronoun.
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You're misreading that, Heathfield. -eth is third person singular, not plural.
jeffa is correct in raising this point of grammar. 'Tasteth' is the third person singular simple present indicative form of 'taste', and, as such, it does not agree with 'they' in the commercial. See Job 34:3; 'for the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat.' Put simply, the use of 'tasteth', as in this ad. grates on the ear of anyone who has an interest in the use of language.
its an annoying ad, in a long line of annoying ads, you can't beat the Aviva ones with Paul Whitehouse...
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Apposite as always, emmie...
Someone's head should roll
likely one of his wives.
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But nobody's will, because dumb Britain doesn't care.

Remember the ad where a bull was depicted with udders...?
nobody's will, i think you lost me on that one. I agree that many of the advertising companies get away with murder, and many switch off from the ad breaks, because they are irritating, so not so dumb Britain.
Jeffa, why don't you write to them to let them know?
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"Someone's head should roll"

"Nobody's (head) will (roll)."
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Marijn, I have done so, to their Warrington address.
Good :-)
got it now.. lets hope you get a response.
Jeffa, I'd be interested in your take on this one, which really gets on my t1ts: (having lived in Brum, not unfamiliar with the terminology, but not on.. and on.. and on....)

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Crunchy Nut Cornflakes

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