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Ant And Dec

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Farriercm | 19:59 Thu 10th Apr 2014 | TV
28 Answers
What do Abers think about Ant and Dec , are they really worth all that money that they are paid, or are they just Boring?.


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They're inoffensive and clearly 'worth it' by the standards of the industry.

Gareth Bale, Wayne Rooney and on and on, are they worth it given that they fail more than they succeed?
Well, they're worth it as far as ITV is concerned...because they bring in the viewers.
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Never heard of Gareth Bale, I am no football fan , but do not think Rooney is worth his weekly wage.

If it involves A & D it gets zapped in our house!
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Gingejbee, Took me five minutes to work that one out, must be my age .
A & D seem to be on everything ITV puts out at weekends and on adverts during the week, what is their attraction?
Can't stand the pair of them! Tv gets switched off when they come on
Love them! They make me laugh.
I rather like their cheeky Chappie ways !
They make me laugh too...
I don't rate them highly. I find them quite annoying and childish, but they must be doing something right. I can't see it myself, though.
They are good family viewing entertainers, professional at their jobs and inoffensive, I enjoy them on I'm A Celebrity, they are worth the money they are paid for doing their jobs and topping the TV ratings!
Not sure I like them that much, but they are clean and polished interviewers and the Beeb is short of clean and polished small men for family orientated programmes.
Ant and Dec don't do BBC always ITV!
Not really interested in the type of shows Ant & Dec do.
I am not fussed, but their viewing figures and enduring popularity shows that for the audience the play to, they are pretty much perfect - hence the salaries they attract.

In entertainment, unlike banking - top salaries to attract top talent is quantifiable, and ruthlessly enforced - the banking industry could take a leaf out of ITV's book!
Op, I like 'em they make me laugh, even though a lot is so cheesy.
I'm not keen on their own show but think they're hilarious on I'm A Celebrity and BGT..........
I quite like them, I find their obvious friendship and humour quite appealing.

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