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Ann | 00:07 Tue 07th Mar 2017 | TV
8 Answers
I cant follow the Adam storyline (missed a few episodes) Who are the couple Adam met (obviously drug dealers) did he know the woman from before and why was he going to a young girl's funeral?


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I was confused too. Has the dealer followed him home now?
i am baffled as well
I've not watched Corrie for a year or so but tonight I caught the last 5 minutes waiting for Broadchurch, apart from Ken and Chesney, I knew no one, it seems that the whole street's changed.
He didn't go to the funeral. Amie tricked him in to taking her to her Nana Deirdre's grave and the funeral just happened to be in progress. Adam recognised the parents from the front page of the paper he read that morning. The girl died from a drug overdose, Adam felt bad about selling the cocaine and cancelled the handover to the drug dealer.
When Ken had a go at him, he changed his mind and rearranged the meeting.
We don't know how Adam knows the woman and neither does the drug dealer who is suspicious of their relationship

He met her when hecwent for a job interview in a solicitors.

She was the receptionist and thats how he met the dealer - he came in as a client, Adam got the info from the receptionist - who ended up going home wit Adam! Hence the sofa reference.
So he did, Tuvok! Thanks for that :)
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Thanks all - its a bit clearer now!

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