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KM Links Game - May week 4 results

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seekeerz | 07:14 Mon 25th May 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Well, crofter's sacred abacus may well have gone into hyperdrive over on MM, but I'm sorry to say my poor little second-hand one barely got out of first gear and stalled completely at one stage - I think our problem was too many possibilities and we made full use of them.

The matches this week were -

Heart ACHE

amd while all four went off, the points were few and far apart.

ladyalex was the only one to collect 3 points for two correct matches, while a further 14 [!!!!] managed a point each and you'll be able to tell who they were by looking at the Leader Board and seeing who has moved.

And The Leader Board looks like this !!!

Aquagility still on top with 15 points

crofter has moved a point closer, with 11 points

london_lassy & roslyn251254 are still on 10

LaneyB still with 9 points

ladyalex is the big mover, having scored 8 points

Jean G still with 7 points

and Grenmus & JRB have both moved up, with 6 points each

Well, we'd all better shape up a bit before next weekend - congratulations to all those who picked up points, it seemed to be pretty heavy going but then there is always one more crack at it, so have a good week, and see you same time, same place, next Saturday....cheers, S


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Thank you Steff.

I'm glad I am not the only one with NUL POINTS !!!
No points for me either, and I was so close with Heartbreak ! Many thanks Seekeerz
No comment!!

Thanks Steff! :0)
thanks steff, just playing catch up no score for me
Thanks Steff.
Mr. O wants to know how many points he has. We don't keep check but he seems to think he had more than just the once correct one this week. Thanks.
My goodness ...the big mover....I was just pleased to be on the leaderboard last week and now I'm just 7 points behind Aquagility! Amazing!

Well done all the scorers and thanks to seekeerz.
Thanks Steff, although I haven't troubled either your or crofter's abacus much this month, I think a grand total of 1 point between both games!; and I won't be troubling them next week as I'm away for the weekend and doubt that I will be able to access a PC.
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oh dear, profound apologies Mr O - you should have appeared on the 'updated' list this week, having scored a point and moved your tally up to 6. mea culpa [ and I can't even offer to make it up by dropping a couple of hints for MM or that crofter would be after me with a big stick !!! ]

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KM Links Game - May week 4 results

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