I have found a purse in a park which didn't have any contact details for the person, but did have all sorts of cards, gym membership etc, so I handed it into the Police station and got a card and bouquet of flowers from the lady. Have also found on different occasions, a £5 note which I kept as I had no way of knowing who had dropped it, I also found a £5 Lottery scratchcard on the pavement (it wasn't a winner, but hadn't thought what I would do if it was). My son recently found a phone on a train and tried to contact the owner, he managed to get in touch with him and arranged to meet to hand it over, but the man never turned up and despite my son contacting him a few more times, he didn't seem bothered about getting his phone back, probably claimed on insurance, so now my son has got this phone that doesn't belong to him, but some time has passed now and I don't know what would happen if he took it into the police station and how he could explain it away without getting into any trouble himself. However, I was very pleased that he had tried to do the right thing :) even if it did mean meeting a strange man outside a railway station toilet!