Looking here
Especially, the following applies
If it is decided to bring the car back onto the road and the vehicle is insured, either with a conventional policy for a full 12 months or by a temporary car insurance policy, nothing has to be done by the owner regarding the SORN declaration because the details of the policy are entered up on the MID database, and since the DVLA have access to this the SORN is automatically cancelled. However, if and when the current insurance policy expires, it must either be renewed or a fresh SORN declared. Failure to do this will bring initially a warning letter, then a fine and finally the car could possibly be confiscated by the police, taken away and crushed.
This seems to suggest that all you need will be a temporary insurance policy for your car, which after your A/L can then be declared as SORN until required agagin.
However, you may find that this could be expensive as to cost of insurance for your requirements. Hope this helps!