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Can You Handle It?

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TWR | 12:12 Thu 17th Jan 2013 | Motoring
49 Answers
Can you handle driving in the snow? what precautions will you take?How will you drive?


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I originally learned to drive on a 60's Ford Zephyr/Zodiac, 3 speed column change, think it was 3 ltr, and rear wheel drive, great fun on the wet stuff!
i just found and empty car park for my Cortina or Capri and played silly b*ggers, great fun...until you slid sideways into the kerb that was buried in snow and bent a wheel or worse the driveshaft...those were the days...
woof, you put the power down more quickly in lower gears, but that is not what you want to do on snow/icy conditions,
If its particularly bad, and i'm only going a short distance, i would perhaps consider just getting a cab ... dont really want to risk skidding, or someone skidding into me and potentially wrecking my car, putting up my insurance, getting hurt or even being killed, for a £2-odd taxi fare.

i have been driving about 7 years i think, and havent a lot of experience with snow and ice, it rarely seems to be an issue near where i live, it rarely sticks long - maybe its because i live near the sea and the salty air etc may affect it (?) not sure.

if i had to drive i'd of course be careful. i do have some tyre sock things, just in case its really bad.
my last 3 cars have been optional 2 or 4 wheel drive, I do however go out in snow or ice well prepared with full lighter, spare fag papers, full baccy tin and a packet of condoms, these only to be used to keep the papers dry.
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Good comments on this, I find especially in snow / Ice, treat it with total respect & you will get to where you are going, try and be a clever sod like some with 4x4 as said, also some of the BMW brigade you will pay the price, parts, body panels are a lot of money! Insurance costs a lot? what the connection? drive like a fool, you will damage your car, take your time & Feck them behind, you will get there. safe driving you lot, don't forget! there's a lot of room in the scrap yards, but there's more room in the cemetery.
fair comment TWR.
So long as you accelerate gently and keep off the brake peddle, use the gears to slow down and in plenty of time, then there is no reason why you should need to crawl nervously along at 20 mph.

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