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Speed Cameras

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Ding-Dong | 14:18 Thu 28th Jul 2005 | Motoring
2 Answers

It has been reported that areas that have seen an increase in speed cameras have also seen an increase in road deaths - Yes, I know there are statistics, statistics and damn lies (I hope the quotation is correct!), but purely for the sake of argument, let's assume this is the case.

This being the case, should they now be scrapped in the interest of road safety? If they are not scrapped, does this prove that they are merely a cynical way to raise money at the expense of the easy target motorist?



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I am in favour of speed limits if they are in the right places, but the evidence is that much thought has been put into the question of maximum income.  There is far too much of that evidence to list here.  Maybe I will put in on a website one day, but there are others that do so.  The reliability of the cameras is shown by the Suffolk bus driver who received a ticket for driving at 81 m.p.h. through a town centre.  His tachograph (very accurate things) showed he was doing 29.

By the way, the quotation is 'there are lies, damn lies and statistics').

it was because of these statistics that has caused the governement to halt introducing any new speed cameras anywhere in the country in the next 12 months as they review the situation. Only ones that are already placed or are mobile will be allowed for the next 12 months.

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Speed Cameras

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