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1.8 k reg Ford Escort ignition

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Roblis | 02:33 Mon 08th Aug 2005 | Motoring
2 Answers

I couldnt turn off the engine of my K reg 1.8 diesel Ford Escort. the only way I could stop it was to stall the engine. Then when I tried to re-start I couldnt. The ignition light etc came on when I turned the key but nothing happened. Could this be an electrical fault, solenoid problem or something different.Gratefull any advice. 




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Diesels have a solenoid in the fuel system that shut off the fuel supply in order to stop the engine.

These can stick and fail. Thankfully yours has stuck open. When they fail, the engine turns off possibly on the motorway.

I'm afraid I don't know exactly where it is on your car - you'll probably find it in a Haynes manual

clarify it roblis, you say nothing happened, do you mean the engine cranked but did not start or nothing happened...

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1.8 k reg Ford Escort ignition

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