Such stickers are still available. Stands to reason that hand signals will still be taught, since the disabled driver will still have to know what other drivers are indicating when using them. But when did you last see anyone, (apart from cyclists), using hand signals? Though there may be times when they'd be handy, (no pun intended), the use of flashing headlights, indicators and brake lights have pretty well done away with the need for them.
I took my car test in 1978 and I wasn't taught or tested on them, though they were in the Highway Code, so it must be before then that they were taught/tested.
I'm afraid I don't see much evidence of driving with due care and attention where I live.It would seem that most round here gained their driving licences out of a corn flake packet.
where i live i doubt if the majority had lessons let alone passed a test! the amount of bad drivers is scary, especially those in the chelsea tractors who think that everyone should give way to them even though they dont have the right of way.
Once I was driving along road and there were cars parked on my right, one of thos huge BMW 4by4 things came speeding up infront of me and indicated by rude gestures that i should reverse, i had right of way and refused to move his face was a picture, but he did eventually reverse, when i drove past he used some choice language so i blew him kiss!!!
there is no such thing as "right of way", the highway code tells you when you should give way. The only exception is the "priority" arrows in some traffic calming measures.