Like us all we travel on the overcrowded UK Motorways, I have seen up-on thousands of accidents, many deaths / Injuries, been lucky never have been involved myself in one, I has been unbelievable how people drive, take chances, at times come unstuck, in what way if you were asked could you improve Motorway Safety & try to come up with a solution to try & stop these happening?
Baldric, check out tail end shunts, fog accidents, road work accidents, accidents at Thelwall Viaduct, Hard Should Accidents. I can not go against what I've seen.
I avoid motorways. They terrify me. I had one motorway lesson after I passed my test, drove on one once on my own and once with my partner. The last time was 18 years ago. I just can't bear even the thought of it. I'm sweating just typing this.
Far too many company cars and vans on the roads. The insurance and fuel is paid for by the company so the drivers literally don't give a damn about how they drive.
Better would be to make managers/salesmen buy their own fuel and insurance then pay the employee back an average of fuel cost for the specific vehicle. That way if they are heavy footed or take risks, they will lose out.
Vehicle black box travel recorders that can be 'read' by company directors or police. Make them a legal requirement like tachographs on lorries - job done.