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Driving Likes

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Bazile | 12:52 Wed 03rd Dec 2014 | Motoring
20 Answers
For some reason i seem to like driving on tarmac that has recently been laid down .

Anything to do with driving , that you like ?


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Being chauffeured everywhere as I don't drive. If I had ALL roads to myself, maybe then I might drive but that ain't gonna happen !

Having the Oomph available to get past those annoying people who drive along hovering around the Speed Limit, they can't even be bothered to set Cruise control to keep their speed constant!
The convenience of having a car just a few steps from my front door, at any time of day or night.
Maybe that's because we can see where you've been Baz.
I keep myself amused by sticking to the speed limit and annoying those with oomph.
They own the road you know.
It’s a guilty pleasure, but past-midnight driving on deserted, twisting country roads. If there’s anything coming the other way you have the advance warning of headlights. Because these roads are set at national speed limit, you can actually drive slightly faster than ‘sensible’ without breaking the law, and it’s a rare opportunity to get some fun out of motoring.
I must add that I never put myself in the position of needing ‘a dab of oppo’ – but it’s nice to occasionally get close to the edge.
The main problem driving at speed at night on country roads is meeting large animals. Cows have horns, unfortunately they don't have headlights.
Nothing better than going to the pub having several pints then driving home with the mobile phone in one hand .A fag in the other with the stereo blaring on full power and having a argument with the wife and shouting at the kids at the same time . It’s a good job the pub only a quarter of a mile from home.:-)
I also love to put my foot down on open straight roads, especially with feelgood bouncy music playing really loudly. I'm really cautious at night though, there are deer everywhere round me.

Douglas, well done, you've sussed it, when you buy a Beemer the Road Ownership Certificate comes with the V5.
Air con....the arrival of air con....☺

It means I can put my foot down and sing at the top of my voice without having to have a window open.....whooohoooo..♫♪♫♫♪
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gness - with all that dosh you have ( 100k ?) , you can afford to have the air con on constantly - aint it ?
Do you know....I do, Baz.....keeps the windscreen clearer with the air con doesn't fizzle out in winter by being left off.....and nobody hears me singing......xx

Says it all
Woooooo...a great driving song......☺
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Here is another driving song - cos apparently , xmas is just around the corner

Oooo....I'm going to have some songs to add to Fairytale of New York....☺
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Now I reckon that's ^^^ a song about Driving not a Driving Song!
you you you you
you you you you
you you you you

No, it seems to be working fine now. So how come the tech changed it to 'we' when I last typed that word ?

you you you you
Won't change it now, must be because I'm looking at it.

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