12V Battery Help.... in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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12V Battery Help....

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Chipchopper | 09:26 Sat 21st Mar 2015 | Motoring
6 Answers
I have a small 12v battery that is used for starting a small lawn tractor. Unfortunately its gone flat and I can't get any charge going in with the charger.
The display panel on the charger reads : err, so does this mean the battery has had it and now needs replacing, even though its not that old ?
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are you able to test the charger with a multimeter or a 12v car bulb? if it's working i would think the battery has had it but i would leave it on charge for a few hours and see if there's any life in it then. if you can't wait, maybe jump leads from a car will get you going.
Can you borrow either a good battery or 12v battery ? One needs to isolate which bit has the issue.
Have you got the terminals in the right order? (RED +) ( Black - ) just a thought in case you have it wrong.
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Thanks all,

The battery went flat on me last year (mowing season)and I started the engine with jump leads from the car.
This Spring I decided to get it charged up for the coming season.
Tried charging for a few hours but no joy, all I got was error appearing in the display panel.
I did check that the leads were the right way round, so it looks like the battery is now kaput.
Is the battery of the top up type Chip? If so check the Water Level on the cells, they should be just above the plates if they are of this type. check out eBay for a replacement.
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No, its a sealed unit that lays on its side under the seat.

Thanks for the response.

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