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Do You Have A Fear Of Hgvs?

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TWR | 07:13 Mon 22nd Jun 2015 | Motoring
44 Answers
If so, why?


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Not so much a 'fear off' but being much more aware of HGV.
07:59 Mon 22nd Jun 2015
is that heavy good vehicles - yes I very much do - as I was hit by one in 1998 which forced me to jump on and hit another 3 cars - apparently driver in the hgv was sleeping and didn't see me on his side. Like all things in my life - I just jumped out and cops came - but I went on home but was ambulanced the following day with many bruises blah blah. I stay well away from them now.

If you were a cyclist you would have good reason to be wary of them.
My uncle got hit by a HGV changing lanes on the M1. Luckily the car didn't flip but the HGV dragged it sideways. No injuries, but now fear.
@ ummm...thanks for that! That's helped me conquer my fear of motorway driving......not ;)

x x
Not so much a 'fear off' but being much more aware of HGV.
no, just some of the drivers!
nearly squeeshed by one
two lanes in a city
and he decided to come into my lane !

absolutely terrifying

another motorist climbed into his cab and dragged him out .......
I got knocked out when I was a pedestrian on the pavement and got hit on the back of the head by a passing HGV. The driver never stopped
Sorry Baths :-D

It was really scary...he had his wife and two daughters in the car.
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No fear, but aware of them and give them a wide berth particularly on circles (roundabouts for anyone outside Dundee).
No, 1ozzy, but we do have two way roads like this
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Never really thought of fearing them. They ought to be merely collecting from local rail depots to local businesses though. Unfortunate no one has managed to achieve that system.
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Good answer Slack, as long as the General Motorist are aware, there should be no problem.
I knew no fear when I rode my bike for many yrs to and fro from work, but would be a bit too afraid to do that now I can see and be aware of the dangers on the road.

HGV's don't scare me, but some of the Nutters driving them do!

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