I'm looking at getting a new (to me) car, it has a plate on it that is described as "private" by the seller and it does have some relevance to the car, the seller says he'll leave it on the car. Ok so far so good but I also have a plate that I would like to add to the car, so if I then add my own plate will the "private" plate that is on it now be re allocated when at some point in the future I sell the car on? or will I just get the original number, which is usual in these situations. Thanks.
If you dont want the plate then assign your own to the vehicle. The original plate MAY be lost.If its considered worthless by the DVLA it may be re-assigned when yours is taken off...however if its of value then they will sell it and issue another.If you want to retain the plate then it will cost £80 to retain for 10 years.
Yes up to now I have always got the original back, I always save the actual plates and screw them back on when I sell the car on. I doubt the plate in question it's worth more than a couple of hundred and to me it's not really worth the £80 to retain it so I'll just let DVLA do what they do if I do buy the car. Thanks BS