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Aston Martin Db4 Gt Production To Resume

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mikey4444 | 14:24 Sat 14th Jan 2017 | Motoring
13 Answers

This will be there waiting for me when I next win the Lottery !


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If you take yourself to the British Motor Museum at Gaydon, Mikey, you'll find a special area for Aston Martins.
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BHG...sound wonderful, but can I take one away with me though ?
Is there not a 2 year waiting list?
Must be a good museum.
It's a very good museum Z-M. Not an enormous amount of A-Ms there, although there is one with a warning triangle on the rear wing warning that it has 4-wheel brakes. There is an A-M museum in Wallingford, near Reading - local for me but I've never visited it.
I'll book for 2019.
My goodness me Z-M, if that's not a typo you've got a very busy 2 years ahead of you.
I was going by Eddies post ;-)
Ah, I thought you were talking about visiting the museum, not buying a DB4.
Confused, it says resumed after 10 years, I thought they stopped making these back in the 60s when the DB5 came along.
When you next win the lottery.

Have you won it before then?
I won last night, Hopkirk. Got two numbers ;-)
It doesn't matter if mikey wins the lottery, they've all been sold.

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Aston Martin Db4 Gt Production To Resume

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