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Car Radio

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fruitsalad | 13:22 Fri 23rd Aug 2019 | Motoring
13 Answers
I have the standard citreon picasso radio and want to find a blank fm station but as it has no display to show what stations Im on how will I be able to tell?


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Does 1-6 not play the generics?

There is no way. You'll have to know by listening.
Only digital radios are able to tell you the radio channel you're on.
Question Author
Im trying to connect a fm transmitter, to play my music through my phone, and radio, so does this mean it wont work
Are you using the phone as an interface, then playing the music via the radio?
A phone would be classed as a digital radio. This would be able to tell you the channel you're on.
Question Author
Yes Spathi I need to find a blank fm radio channel then pair the transmitter to same channel then play music from the phone then out from the radio
Ah, that is more technical than I know.

Might be easier to get a new radio with an aux cable port.
Something like this?

But you'll have to double check it fits your car. User Recommendation
You just wind the car tuning knob until you find silence. Alternatively, set your FM transmitter to a frequency and the car radio will find it if you use the "search"facility.
I should have added - if the reception is rubbish it means you've chosen a "live" frequency; try a different one until you get success.
The problem is that if you travel widely you might find that the free frequency you found becomes occupied; you just have to try a different one then.
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Thank you
Your instructions will tell you the frequency, usually at the start of the range so before Radio 2.
Tune in to the Beeb then, with your new device live and playing, tune backwards from R2 and the radio will find it.
When that's done select any preset button, press and hold to store.

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