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linds1 | 11:44 Sat 17th Jun 2006 | Motoring
3 Answers
anyone work for and insurance company on here and knows about cat c rapaired cars that have been vic passed ???? do u know if i have to tell my insurance company about this or just in sure it in the normal way ?


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you must tell the insurance company as it is a material fact & would invalidate the policy. even though they may not ask the question when you get a quote, the statement of facts states you must inform them of any material facts which would influence their decision of accepting the risk.

it would be best for you to just ring around & ask as some comanies will & some wont, there is no other way of knowing which ones will be ok with it.

if they will accept it you will need to provide proof of mot & engineers report showing the work was carried out professionally.

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Muppeteer is right that it's material - a number of insurance companies will not cover write-off rebuilds and I have had personal experience of that.

The value of a cat c repaired car is much reduced and that leads to complications for some underwriters in asessing later claims.

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If they pass your car it can be removed from the HPI register. You could argue if this is the case then if it's been taken off of the register then the repair is no longer material

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