Car Registration discrepancy in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Car Registration discrepancy

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IzzieQ | 13:30 Thu 20th Jul 2006 | Motoring
3 Answers
I reported an accident last week (had a bump in a car park and the other driver and I exchanged details) and this has been playing on my mind...
Can anyone tell me why a number plate on one car comes up with another, very different make and model when my insurance company put that registration into their computer (not my car I hastily add!). Anything dodgy going on? Or could there be an innocent explanation?
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A few explanations are:

1. The plates could be false

2. The DVLA could have their details wrong (unlikely though with the make and model)

3. The most likely explanation would be that your insurers have entered the number incorrectly. It would be best that you call them to check that they have the correct registration number. It may be that they took it down incorrectly if you gave it over the telephone (as you know, Ns can sound like Ms). If you gave the registration number in writing they may have read it incorrectly.

Good luck.
Two more possibilities

1. You did not take the car number yourself, but allowed the other driver to write it down for you.
2 You wrote it down incorrectly.
Also, I have known a case where the plates were made up incorrectly for a new vehicle. This is more likely now that dealers have new plates made up for secondhand cars, so they can put their names on them.
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It's most likely that the number was entered incorrectly on my insurer's system then, but I'm sure the truth will emerge at some point.
(Some part of me wanted him to be 'up to something' as he was so unecessarily aggressive about the whole thing...)

Thanks to you both.

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