Speeding conviction in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Speeding conviction

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37671 | 16:31 Wed 18th Oct 2006 | Motoring
9 Answers
Ive have only had my licence since june, and have been caught by a speed camera.
Have been sumonsed to appaer in court, need my licence for my job, am so worried whats gunna happen, can sombody ease my stress a bit and suggest what i can do!!!
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Not really a lot you can do .Not a lot of comfort to you but you should value your licence if you rely on it for your job as it is for life and you shouldn't have been speeding .
As an after thought I understood you get issued your fine and you just send the fine money.Why do you have to appear in court?I know this as my daughters boyfriend borrowed my car and was caught speeding .Fine was sent to me but he had to sign that he was driving .He sent the money and that was the end of it apart from points on his licence.
Can you tell us what speed you were doing and what was the limit? Normally you would get a fixed penalty notice but if you were really exceeding the limit (like 55 in a 30 for example) You can be summoned to appear in court for an ass kicking, You are very unlikely to lose your licence but you will get points and a fine, If you are young then the points will probably affect your future insurance premium as well.
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was 98 in a 60 on an a road, just off a 70 limit, at 5 in the morning.
Well all I can say you deserve all you get doing that speed.
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didnt know i was until i seen the flash...
As you are a new driver, if you get six points ( which is more than likely ) you will have to resit your test. However, if you get a ban I don'tt think you will have to resit - strange situation if you have to hope for a ban !
Tjhe recomended sentence from the magistrates "bench book" is

Limit 60-70 Excess speed 31-40MPH... which just covers you with 2mph spare ..... is 6 points or a 56 day disqualification and a stiff fine.

So you will either get a 56 day ban or 6 points and as pointed out that'll mean you revert to learner status.

Either way you're going to lose your full license.

Just be grateful you weren't clocked at 3mph more!
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thats me out of a job then....

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