Hi can anyone tell me the legalities of driving a used car home from the dealers without road tax? I have taken out insurance on the vehicle and it would just be getting driven straight home....
Earlier today I was making a 3 point turn and while stopped (about to reverse) a car parked a few meters in front of me reversed into my bumper scraping their back and my front bumper. I feel like it...
I have had a form from DVLA as my photo id driving licenece is out of date. I can go to the post office and get it done but I have lost the old one so don't have the driver number . Can I still go to...
Am I right in thinking that if a PELICAN or PUFFIN crossing lights are not working then it should be treated as a standard pedestrian (zebra) crossing, i.e. traffic should stop if a pedestrian is...
I was in a 4 car smash... October 2010. I have a clean licence but only have 6 points avaliable as have only been driving just over a year. I am a careful driver and never take risks. I was driving...
I was given a parking ticket recently where all the pay and display macines were out of order and there was no way of paying. I have appealed it and it has been turned down but I wish to take it...
I was in a 4 car smash... October 2010. I have a clean licence but only have 6 points avaliable as have only been driving just over a year. I am a careful driver and never take risks. I was driving...
With local councils switching off street lights to save money does it still stand that parking in a 30 mph area without lighting you have to park on the correct side of the road and display a parking...
Hi, Back in February 2010 my car was clapmped by dvla as I had not taxed it. The day it was clamped I was out of the city where i live, so i phoned them and paid the penalty charges to get the vehicle...
i got a parking ticket today on a road i park in regularly whilst at work.no yellow lines but my ticket is for parking in front of a dropped kerb.
is this legal or just tough and i have to pay up?...
My car tax runs out at the end of March and I've just been asked to go to the states for a month, leaving at the end of next week, so I since the renewal doesn't usually turn up until the week before...
i rent a garage to store my motorbike and recently somebody keeps parking in front of the garage and blocking me from getting it in or out there is enough space to open the doors but i dont wanna be...
I have for the last few weeks been using a section of motorway that has at least 3-4 miles of 50mph average speed camera area. Cars and vans have been passing me at least 60mph and more.do they know...
My aunty (who is rather dippy I have to say) has received a court summons for driving a manual car with only an automatic driving license. This came about after she had a minor accident whilst driving...
if I'm approaching a roundabout and someone on my right is also approaching it and is indicating left (leaving the roudabout clear for me to ctrross) but then goes on round the roundabout and hits me...
Sorry if this question has already been asked, but need to ask this for a friend who is foolishly not on AB. Can you let me know how long Penalty Points last for, as this friend got 3 of them back in...
Last year I gave my car to my eldest g/son when he graduated from veterinary college (so he is the legal owner) he is now buying another car which has a delivery delay of about 3 months. When he gets...
Many years ago, when I first studied the Highway Code, a large white circular road sign with a diagonal black stripe indicated 'Derestriction'. Obviously, no-one believed that any vehicle could...