Mustard just stop and think about this...most mornings when going to work, I travel along an extremely busy 'A' road. The traffic is pretty well nose to tail...all going along in first or second gear at best. often coming to a complete halt.There are single lanes in each direction.
Half way along this road is a school crossing...the kids gather up at the lights waiting for them to change to red, so that they can cross.
But as the traffic is always creeping along at rush hour, some bright spark driving a car thinks they are doing them a favour by flashing them and inviting them to cross the road before the lights change.
The only problem is some motorbike riders seem to think it is quite acceptable to overtake all the cars that are just about standing still around this crossing area and just weave between them.
We all know the bikes should'nt be overtaking at a crossing...we all know that the kids are just going to school. But the one thing that brings them together.. is the car driver flashing their lights.
Enough said...I'm off to clean the ice off my headlights...I might just need to flash them..!