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Motorists are being urged to tread safely on wet roads, with many motorists neglecting their tyre grip, which is essential when roads are wet and slippy. Reduced visibility is an obvious drawback of driving in the rain, and can also enhance the chances of motorists losing control and being involved in an accident.
Come rain or come shine:
British divers are no strangers to driving in poor weather conditions with weather like ours! With 33% of all road accidents already occurring during the summer months and with heavy downpours and flash floods becoming a permanent fixture of a British summer, it’s no surprise the number of wet road related accidents is increasing.
According to the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), around 10% of cars on the road have at least one tyre with an illegal tread depth. This reduces braking effectiveness; increases risk of collision, and could lead to a hefty fine and points on your license. There has been a long-standing belief within the motoring industry that wet weather tyre performance deteriorates more rapidly as the tread depth wears away.
Wet road surfaces are one of the biggest threats UK drivers face, and winter is officially the wettest time of the year, which is shown by the number of accidents during these cold months. With 300,000 crashes every year and a climate which is more susceptible to heavy rain, what bigger incentive can there be to replace tyres more frequently.
Research has shown that cars travelling at 50mph in wet conditions and running on tyres with the legal minimum 1.6mm tread depth took almost an entire bus length longer to stop than those with 3mm tread depth. According to the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), around 10% of cars on the road have at least one tyre with an illegal tread depth. This reduces braking effectiveness; increases risk of collision, and could lead to a hefty fine and points on your license.
Reduce the risks:
Reduced visibility can also increase a motorist's chance of an accident. There are many ways to increase visibility on a rainy day, such as setting your windscreen wipers to the correct speed in relation to the weather conditions, using your headlights during times where visibility is poor enables motorists to see the roads ahead much more clearly, minimizing the chance of an accident. By turning on your headlights you can also make other motorists aware of your road position and help reduce your risk of a nasty accident.
During wet and rainy conditions your control of your vehicle can be affected dramatically. The road becomes very slippery and greatly reduces the grip of your tyres to the road, with this in mind you should try and avoid sudden sharp breaking.
By slowing down and being more observant motorists could benefit from cheaper car insurance premiums through a reduction in accidents associated with wet road conditions.
- K.J.N -
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